About the Journal

Focus and Scope

“Traditional knowledge" is employed to mean knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities embodying traditional life-styles; the wisdom developed over many generations of holistic traditional scientific utilization of the lands, natural resources, and environment. It is generally passed down by word of mouth, from generation to generation and is, for the most part, undocumented. Traditional knowledge is valid and necessary, and awaits its currently relevant wider application for human benefit. National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (erstwhile NISCAIR), CSIR felt a need to document the recent developments and the information bygone in this area in the form of an interdisciplinary periodical.

The Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge publishes original research papers, review articles, short communications, etc. concerned with the observation and experimental investigation of the biological activities of the materials from plants, animals and minerals, used in the traditional health-care systems such as Ayurveda, Siddha, Yoga, Unani, Naturopathy, Homoeopathy, Folk-remedies, etc. As validation of indigenous claims it covers Ethno-biology, Ethno-medicine, Ethno-pharmacology, Ethno-pharmacognosy & Clinical Studies on efficacy.

Besides, the journal also welcomes interdisciplinary papers on traditional uses (non-medicinal) of Indian raw materials of plant, animal and mineral origin and development of appropriate technologies for community benefit with specific interest to the rural areas. 

CSIR-NIScPR does not levy Article Processing Charges (APCs) or Article Submission Charges.

Peer Review Process

Review Policy: All submissions in IJTK undergo a rigorous review process to maintain a high-quality publication. All submitted manuscripts are treated as confidential documents and are reviewed by single blind peer review process which may take minimum 04 to 08 weeks from the date of submission. Submitted manuscripts are refereed by at least 2 or 3 experts (reviewers) as suggested by the editorial board. Manuscripts with negative feedback from any of the reviewers are declined. Manuscripts with positive feedback and that too from minimum two reviewers are accepted for publication.

All publication decisions are made by the journal’s Editor on the basis of the referees’ reports (reviewers report). In addition, Editor will have the option of seeking additional reviews when needed.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Editorial Board

Editorial Board 

CSIR-NIScPR Policy on Plagiarism

The system of formal communication in science through publication in primary journals is based on originality and quality of information, being the only criteria for publication. However, there have been tendencies to misuse the system and vitiate the process of science communication for personal benefits. One of the ills, afflicting science communication, is plagiarism. Attempts at plagiarism may range from verbatim copying of extensive material of other authors, misappropriating results/data of others with minor changes in language/presentation without giving credit to original source, and to publishing essentially the same information more than once.

As the premier institution of publishing primary scientific journals in various disciplines of science and technology in India, CSIR-NIScPR strongly reiterates its policy of discouraging plagiarism of all kinds. All efforts are made to detect and frustrate attempts at plagiarism through editorial screening and rigorous peer review in respect of communications received for publication in the CSIR-NIScPR publications. Cooperation of the scientific community is sought in our efforts to frustrate all attempts at plagiarism.

In case, any attempt of plagiarism is brought to our attention accompanied with convincing evidence, following steps would be taken:

(a)    After consulting the respective Editorial Board Members, authors guilty of plagiarism will be debarred from publishing their papers in CSIR-NIScPR journals.

(b)    Heads of the Departments/Institutes of the offending authors will be intimated of such incidences of plagiarism.

(c)     Such incidents of plagiarism will be publicized through the concerned CSIR-NIScPR journals in consultation with the respective Editorial Board Members.