Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
Author Guidelines
The Journal Scope and Editorial Policy
The Indian Journal of Chemistry (IJC), a monthly journal, publishes papers in the areas of inorganic chemistry (synthetic and structural inorganic chemistry, inorganic reaction mechanisms), solid state chemistry, photochemistry, thermodynamics, spectroscopy, electrochemistry, theoretical and computational chemistry, organic chemistry (organic reaction mechanism, synthesis of chiral compounds, bio-organic chemistry, enzymes in organic synthesis, chemoenzymatic and enantioselective synthesis of organic compounds, metal-catalyzed asymmetric reactions), medicinal chemistry, natural products, analytical chemistry and materials chemistry.
Only those contributions which are timely, original and report work of quality and significance are accepted for publication in the journal subjected to positive recommendation from the referees. The contributions must not have appeared elsewhere. In the case of an article with more than one author, all correspondence regarding it will be made only with the senior author or the author who has communicated the article. Necessary copyright permission should be taken by the authors from the concerned persons for reproducing figures, diagrams, tables, photographs, schematics, etc., from other publications in articles published in IJC. This should be mentioned in the caption as [Reproduced from Ref. ….with permission from ............]. Copy of the permission from the concerned authority should be submitted along with the manuscript. NIScPR assumes no responsibility for the above.
Submission of the Manuscript
Manuscripts may be submitted through our Online Submission portal, The complete manuscript in MS word format incorporating the tables and illustrations with captions should be uploaded as the primary file. The tiff/jpeg files of the illustrations and WORD/PDF files of the supplementary data as well as the certificate of originality, signed by all the authors on the official letterhead, should be uploaded separately as supplementary files. Authors may also suggest names of referees (2 Indian and 2 foreign). The journal does not levy article submission or processing charges. Once published, the copyright of the paper will be transferred from the author to publisher.
Types of Contributions
Manuscripts will be considered for publication as Rapid Communications, Papers, Notes or Reviews.
Organisation and Layout of the Manuscript
Manuscripts should be prepared in grammatically correct English. MS Word should be used for inputting the text using Times New Roman (12 pts) and symbols (12 pts). Equations should be input in 11 pts using Equation Editor and set to within 8.5 cm width. The equations may be split to more than one line, if necessary. Equations should be numbered as …(1), …(2), etc. Tables should be input using the Table Editor and not tabs or spaces. The text should be typed with 1.5 line spacing with margin of 1” on all sides. The entire manuscript should be prepared as one file. The Tables should be inserted after the text, followed by the figure captions and the figures.
The material should be presented in the following order:
(i) Title of paper; (ii) Name(s) of author(s); (iii) Institute and address of author(s); (iv) Abstract; (v) Introduction;
(vi) Experimental Details; (vii) Results and Discussion;
(viii) Conclusions; (ix) Acknowledgement; (x) Supplementary Data; (xi) References; (xii) Graphical abstract. All tables and figures should be given at the end of the article.
It should be useful in indexing and information retrieval. If an article forms part of a series, a sub‑title indicating the aspects of the work covered in the present article should be provided. The title of an article should include names and not formulae of chemical substances and should not contain abbreviations. A short title suitable for use as a running title should also be given.
The initials and surnames of all the authors should be given, elaborating an initial only if it is necessary for identification. The complete address where work has been performed should follow the names of the authors. If the present address of an author is different, it should be given as a footnote. The author for correspondence should be indicated by (*). The email address of the author for correspondence is essential.
The abstract should be informative and indicate the scope and principal findings of the study. It should normally not exceed 200 words or ~3 % of the length of the paper.
The introduction should place the work in proper perspective and clearly state the scope and objectives. The background discussion should be brief and restricted to pertinent material, i. e., what is necessary to indicate the reason for undertaking the research and essential background. Extensive reviews of previous work should be avoided.
Experimental Details
This section should be clearly stated with sufficient details to enable others to repeat the study. New methods should be described in detail, but if the methods are already known, a mere reference with modifications, if any, will suffice. General reaction conditions should be given only once.
Results and Discussion
It is desirable to combine the results and discussion under one section, with the results given first followed by a discussion of its significance. This aids easy understanding of the results obtained. Discussion should deal with interpretation of results without repeating the information already presented as results. It should relate the new findings to the known and include logical deductions.
Only primary data essential for following the discussion and the main conclusions emerging from the study should be included. Secondary data may be retained by the authors for supply on demand. SI units and associated conventions should be used throughout. Same data should not be presented in tabular and graphic forms.
Tables & Illustrations
Tables must be given on separate sheets after the references and numbered sequentially in order of first appearance in Arabic numerals. Tables should bear brief titles. Column headings should be brief and units of measurement (SI units) should be abbreviated and placed below the headings. Tables should be referred to in the text as Table 1, Table 2, etc.
All illustrations must be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and referred to in the text as Fig. 1, Scheme 1, etc. All illustrations should be of either column width (7.5–8.5 cm) or page width (12–17.5 cm) and should not require any reduction. Lettering in the illustrations should be Arial font 7–8 pt, not bold (or 9 pt Times New Roman, not bold). For graphs, axes labels should be in 8 pt Arial (or 9 pt Times New Roman) and given as: Parameter (Units) [e.g. λ (nm), Time (min)]. Curves should be labeled as 1, 2, ..… and
parts of figures as (a), (b), etc. For photographs and images,
high quality digital images should be provided. Coloured illustrations should be saved in the CMYK mode
with a resolution of 300 dpi. Half tones and black
and white illustrations should be as bitmap/grayscale with a resolution of 200 dpi. Captions and legends to the figures should be self-explanatory and should be given on a separate sheet after the tables. The illustrations should be placed after the captions and also sent in tiff/ jpeg formats separately.
Structural Formulae
The number of structural formulae should be restricted to the minimum and included only if the purpose is not adequately served by chemical or common names. Structural formulae should be numbered in sequence and referred to in the text by their numbers.
The nomenclature should conform to the Definitive Rules for Nomenclature of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry and the practices of Chemical Abstracts. Some pertinent references are:
(i) Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd Edn, (Blackwell, Oxford) 1990; Indian Edition (Jain Interscience, Delhi) 1994, "Red Book".
(ii) Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry, 2nd Edn, (Blackwell, Oxford) 1993, "Green Book".
(iii) Compendium of Macromolecular Nomenclature, (Blackwell, Oxford) 1991, "Purple Book".
Symbols and Units
SI units and associated conventions should be used. Units of measurement should be abbreviated when used with numerals but must be written out when they occur in the text without the numerals. Symbols representing physical quantities should be given in italics, and the units should be given in the Roman (upright) fonts. There should be a space between the numeral and the units [e.g. T = 273 K].
The conclusions should not summarise information already presented. It should stem directly from the data presented, without any extra material. It should highlight the novelty and significance of the study.
This should be brief and should acknowledge funding agencies (with grant/project details) and other special assistance. Trivial formalities like permission to carry out the study, etc., should be avoided.
References to literature, numbered consecutively, must be placed at the end of the paper. In the text, these should be indicated by numbers and placed as superscript before the punctuation mark [e. g., The ionic liquids are highly polar solvents10,19, and a large number of photophysical studies are reported in these media20-24].
In citing references to research papers, surnames and initials of authors should be followed, in order, by the title of the periodical in the abbreviated form (italics), the volume number, the year within circular brackets and the page reference
[e.g. Dewan A, Kakati D K & Das B K, Indian J Chem, 49A (2010) 39]. The name of all the authors should be given and abbreviations like et al., idem and ibid should be avoided. For names of periodicals, the standard abbreviations listed in the World List of Scientific Periodicals edited by William Allan Smith & Francis Lawrence Kent (Butterworths Scientific Publications, London) should be used. If the reference is to an article published without any authorship in a periodical, the title of the article takes the place of author in the citation.
Reference to a book should include, in the following order: surnames and initials of authors, the title of the book (italics), name of publisher and place of publication within circular brackets, year, pg [e.g. Mitchell M, An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms, (MIT Press, Cambridge) 1996, p. 45. Proceedings of conferences and symposia should be treated in the same manner as books.
Reference to a thesis should include the name of the author, the title of the thesis (italics), university or institution to which it was submitted and year of submission [e.g. Dolui B K, Ion-solvent Interaction in Isodielectric Solvent Mixtures of Protic Ethylene Glycol and Dipolar Aprotic N, N-Dimethyl Formamide, Ph D Thesis, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, 2004].
Reference to a patent should include names of patentees, country of origin (italics), patent number, and the organization to which the patent has been assigned (if available) within circular brackets, date of acceptance of the patent and reference to an abstracting periodical where available [e.g. Kosin J A, Preston W & Wallace D N,
US Patent No. 4,883,533, Nov 28, 1989].
Graphical Abstract
As part of the contents page, the graphical abstract will appear independent of the main paper. Typically, a graphical abstract is small graphic (max. width: 8 cm) with one or two sentences, highlighting the novelty and main finding of the study.
Electronic Supplementary Information
Authors are encouraged to take advantage of the facility to submit supplementary data in the electronic form. These data will be made available along with the online version of the article, with a URL reference in the print version. Supplementary data should be submitted along with the main article and shall be peer reviewed. All supplementary data are considered to be part of the submitted article and should not be included in any other publication. Data which are not of primary importance but which support the main conclusions of the study like detailed description of the experimental methods, repetitive procedures, large tables, spectra, high resolution images, structures, colour diagrams, etc., may be included as supplementary data.
Supplementary data should be submitted in the final form and should conform to the format of the main paper. Supplementary data will not be edited and hence should be clearly presented. All supplementary data should be collected in a single WORD/PDF file in the following order: Text, Tables, Figs (including the caption). Tables should be numbered sequentially as Table S1, Table S2, and figures as Fig. S1, Fig. S2, etc. All such material should be referred in the text of the main article as (Supplementary Data, Table/Fig. S1…). The pages of the file should be numbered starting from 1. The first page of the supplementary data file should have the following in Times New Roman: (i) Title of the article (15 pt); (ii) Authors’ names (10 pt); (iii) Institutional addresses including email address (9 pt); (iv) Contents of the file with their page no. (10 pt).
A brief statement describing the material included as supplementary data should be included in the manuscript after the concluding paragraph in the following format:
Supplementary information is available in the website
Certificate of Originality
The manuscript should be accompanied by a certificate of originality stating that:
- the work reported in the paper (Title) submitted for publication in IJC is original and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere,
- all authors have seen and approved this manuscript and consent to having their name in the list of authors, thereby taking responsibility for the results contained in the manuscript.
- proper citations to the previously reported works have been given, and,
- in case data/tables/figures are quoted verbatim from some other publication, the required permission to do so has been obtained.
This certificate should be on the institutional letterhead and signed in original by all the authors. The signed document may be scanned and sent as jpeg/ PDF file. It should be forwarded by the Head of Dept/ Organisation, if none of the authors are faculty of department/ permanent employee of organization.
Proofs & Reprints
Soft copy of the proofs is sent to the corresponding author by email. Corrections should be highlighted in the proofs and also listed out separately. Instead of Reprints, the PDF file of the final version is sent to the authors by email. The final version can also be accessed at the NIScPR Repository [].
Author Guidelines for Online Submission
The "Online Publishing @ NIScPR ('' has been implemented for end to end
automation of editorial processes. For online submission, authors are required to register themselves at
Author Registration
- Visit the website
- Select the journal from the list of journals.
- Click on the 'Register' link.
- Fill in the required information in the registration form.
- All fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory fields like Last name, username, password, validation text, and email id.
- User can register as a Reader &/or Author. Under the field "Register as", please select "Author" also. Only those users who have registered their user ids as "Author" will be able to submit the manuscripts online. In case you forgot to register as author, you can still change your role from reader to author. For this, after login click on link "edit my profile". Now under the heading "role", also select role as author.
- Letters (alphabets) displayed for the "validation" field are case sensitive. Please enter the text as shown in the validation image.
- After filling the required details, click on the "Register" button.
- If registration is successful, you will be logged into the system. The page displayed is called "User Home page". You will also receive an email giving login details about your registration.
Login and Author's user homepage
- For login to the system, first select the journal & then click on the "Login" link at the top or enter the username & password given in the right navigation bar.
- After login, the first screen displayed is "User home page" which will have link for "Author", "Active article" & "New submission".
- Clicking on "Author" link will take you to the page which will show link for "Active" & "Archived" article.
- To check the status or details of article, click on the "Active" link.
- For submitting new article, click on "New submission".
- To change your profile, click on the link "Edit My Profile" under the section "My Account".
- You can also modify your password here.
To submit manuscript online
Online submission is a five-step submission process as given below:
Click on "New submission" (if you are on User home page after login) or select the "Click here" link at the bottom of the Page (if you are in active submission page).
Section default policy
Copyright Notice
Once published, the copyright of the paper will be transferred from the author to publisher.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.