Assessment of indoor Radon levels in Residences of Jind District, Haryana using Solid-State Nuclear Track Detectors: Implications for Human Health
Indoor, Radon, Thoron, Progenies, Dosimeters, DoseAbstract
The present study reports the indoor radon levels in the ambience of some residences in Jinddistrict, Haryana. Assessment of absorbed dose due to inhalation of these radioactive gases is critical as a high dose of such gases is hazardous to human health. Pinhole dosimeters with LR-115 solid-state nuclear track detectors were suspended in 50 dwellings for passive measurement of indoor radon and thoron gas. Direct radon/thoron progeny sensors were also attached with dosimeters for equivalent equilibrium radon/thoron concentration measurements. This study calculates the annual absorbed ingestion dose from indoor radon/thoron concentration. From the results, it can be concluded that the absorbed doses are within the permissible limit. The average radon concentration is also below the ICRP recommendations of 200 Bq/m3- 300 Bq/m3.
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