CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (CSIR-NIScPR) is a premier research institution in India that specializes in the field of scientific scholarly publication. The institute publishes several research journals that cover a wide range of topics in science and technology.

The CSIR-NIScPR research journals are peer-reviewed and are aimed at providing a platform for researchers to publish their original research work. The journals cover a diverse range of subjects and scope areas.

Being platinum open-access journals, the publications are freely accessible online, which makes them easily accessible to researchers and scholars across the world. The journal does not levy any article processing charges (APC) on its authors.


Beginning 20 March 2023, CSIR-NIScPR journals have a new manuscript submission and processing system—https://or.niscpr.res.in/ 

The old portal (http://op.niscpr.res.in/ ) will remain active for the processing of already submitted manuscripts only. 


  • Annals of Library and Information Studies

    Annals of Library and Information Studies is the leading and the oldest English language quarterly LIS journal from India that publishes original papers, survey reports, reviews, short communications, and letters pertaining to library and information science.

  • Bharatiya Vaigyanik evam Audyogik Anusandhan Patrika (BVAAP)

    On persistent demands from many quarters, NISCAIR started a Hindi Journal, Bharatiya Vaigyanik evam Audyogik Anusandhan Patrika. The first issue of this new journal came out in June 1993. The journal publishes original and review articles in various disciplines of science such as chemistry, physics, botany, zoology, biochemistry, biophysics, geology, marine science, etc. along with various areas of engineering and technology. Articles in fields like biotechnology, pollution control, alternative sources of energy, science and society, information science, etc. are also considered for publication.

  • Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IJBB)

    The Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IJBB), started in 1964, is a broad-based open access monthly peer-reviewed periodical publishing original research articles in the following areas: structure-function relationships of biomolecules; biomolecular recognition, protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions; gene-cloning, genetic engineering, genome analysis, gene targeting, gene expression, vectors, gene therapy; drug targeting, drug design; molecular basis of genetic diseases; conformational studies, computer simulation, novel DNA structures and their biological implications, protein folding; enzymes structure, catalytic mechanisms, regulation; membrane biochemistry, transport, ion channels, signal transduction, cell-cell communication, glycobiology; receptors, antigen-antibody binding, neurochemistry, ageing, apoptosis, cell cycle control; hormones, growth factors; oncogenes, host-virus interactions, viral assembly and structure; intermediary metabolism, molecular basis of disease processes, vitamins, coenzymes, carrier proteins, toxicology; plant and microbial biochemistry; surface forces, micelles and microemulsions, colloids, electrical phenomena, etc. in biological systems. Solicited peer-reviewed articles on contemporary Themes and Methods in Biochemistry and Biophysics form an important feature of IJBB. Impact Factor of IJBB is 1.5 (JCR 2023). Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IJBB) with the expanded scope of ‘Biotechnology’ but with a changed frequency of ‘monthly’ from the existing ‘bimonthly’ w.e.f. January 2022.

  • Indian Journal of Chemical Technology (IJCT)

    Indian Journal of Chemical Technology has established itself as the leading journal in the exciting field of chemical engineering and technology. It is intended for rapid communication of knowledge and experience to engineers and scientists working in the area of research development or practical application of chemical technology. This bimonthly journal includes novel and original research findings as well as reviews in the areas related to – Chemical Engineering, Catalysis, Leather Processing, Advanced materials, Membrane Separation, Pharmaceuticals and Drugs, Agrochemicals, Reaction Engineering, Biochemical Engineering, Petroleum Technology, Corrosion & Metallurgy and Applied Chemistry. Impact Factor of IJCT is 0.57 (JCR 2022).

    Online ISSN: 0975-0991    Print ISSN: 0971-457X

  • Indian Journal of Chemistry (IJC)

    Started in 1963, Indian Journal of Chemistry was bifurcated into two independent journals, Sections A and B, in 1976. Indian Journal of Chemistry, Sec A (IJC-A) published papers from the fields of inorganic, bio-inorganic chemistry, theoretical and analytical chemistry whereas Indian Journal of Chemistry, Sec B (IJC-B) published papers from organic and medicinal chemistry. From January 2022 onwards, IJC-A has been merged with IJC-B and the combined entity is now published as the monthly journal, Indian Journal of Chemistry.

    Being a Diamond Open Access Journal, we neither levy any article processing charge (APC) to the authors nor subscription charges to the readers.

  • Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences (IJEMS)

    Started in 1994, it publishes papers in aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, metallurgical engineering, electrical/electronics engineering, civil engineering, fluid mechanics, instrumentation, and materials science. Impact Factor of IJEMS is 0.9 (JCR 2022).

  • Indian Journal of Experimental Biology (IJEB)

    The Indian Journal of Experimental Biology (IJEB), started in 1963, is a broad-based open access monthly peer-reviewed periodical publishing original research of experimental nature that contributes significantly to knowledge in Molecular Biology, Endocrinology, Immunology, Developmental Biology, Comparative Physiology, Chronobiology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Toxicology and Other Biological fields including Instrumentation and Methodology. The papers having experimental design involving alteration and/or manipulation in biological system(s) providing insight into their functioning are considered for publication. Impact Factor of IJEB is 0.7 (JCR 2023)

  • Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research (IJFTR)

    Started in 1976, this journal publishes papers on both fundamental and applied research in various branches of textile technology and allied areas such as Production and properties of natural and synthetic fibres (including industrial fibres), yarns and fabrics; Physics and chemistry of fibre forming polymers; Chemical and finishing processes; Fibre-reinforced composites; Garment technology; Analysis, testing and quality control; Application of microprocessors; Instrumentation; application of nanotechnology in textiles; and Industrial engineering.

    Impact Factor of IJFTR is 0.6 (JCR 2023).

    Instructions to Author Guidelines

    IJFTR Flyer

  • Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences (IJMS)

    Started in 1972, this (Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences: IJMS; Indian J Geo-Mar Sci) multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open access, monthly periodical with e-ISSN: 2582-6727 is devoted to the publication of communications relating to various facets of research in Marine sciences. The articles should contribute significantly to Physical oceanography, including hydrodynamics, climate change, satellite oceanography, etc.; Chemical oceanography, including biogeochemical cycles, marine pollution, etc.; Biological oceanography, including aquatic biology, ecology, fisheries, biodiversity & systematics, etc.; Geological oceanography, including geochemistry, micropalaeontology, marine archaeology, marine geotechnics, etc.; Marine instrumentation/engineering, naval architecture, etc. For more details on subject areas, please visit here. Therefore, original research, review articles and book reviews of general significance to marine sciences, excluding core geosciences, which are written clearly and well organized according to the IJMS manuscript preparation and submission guidelines will be given preference. Authors are required to read the ‘Instruction to Authors’ guidelines thoroughly before preparing the manuscript.

    Impact Factor of IJMS is 0.5 (JCR 2022).

    Instructions To Authors

  • Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources (IJNPR) [Formerly Natural Product Radiance (NPR)]

    Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources (IJNPR) is a quarterly journal dedicated to exploring topics that confront educators, frontline workers in the fields, entrepreneurs, and ultimate users of the value-added products and their resources of both plants and animals. It publishes original research papers, reviews and short communications. IJNPR was formerly known as Natural Products Radiance (NPR), a bimonthly journal started in 2002.

    Impact Factor of IJNPR is 0.8 (JCR 2022).

  • Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics (IJPAP)

    Started in 1963, this journal publishes Original Research Contribution as full papers, notes and reviews on classical and quantum physics, relativity and gravitation; statistical physics and thermodynamics; specific instrumentation and techniques of general use in physics, elementary particles and fields, nuclear physics, atomic and molecular physics, fundamental area of phenomenology, optics, acoustics and fluid dynamics, plasmas and electric discharges, condensed matter-structural, mechanical and thermal properties, electronic, structure, electrical, magnetic and optical properties, cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology, geophysics, astrophysics and astronomy. It also includes latest findings in the subject under News Scan.

    Impact Factor of IJPAP is 0.7 (JCR 2022).

  • Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge (IJTK)

    “Traditional knowledge" is employed to mean knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities embodying traditional life-styles; the wisdom developed over many generations of holistic traditional scientific utilization of the lands, natural resources, and environment. It is generally passed down by word of mouth, from generation to generation and is, for the most part, undocumented. Traditional knowledge is valid and necessary, and awaits its currently relevant wider application for human benefit. National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (erstwhile NISCAIR), CSIR felt a need to document the recent developments and the information bygone in this area in the form of an interdisciplinary periodical, the Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge (IJTK). IJTK carries original research papers, review articles, short communications, etc. concerned with the observation and experimental investigation of the biological activities of the materials from plants, animals and minerals, used in the traditional health-care systems such as Ayurveda, Siddha, Yoga, Unani, Naturopathy, Homoeopathy, Folk-remedies, etc. As validation of indigenous claims it covers Ethno-biology, Ethno-medicine, Ethno-pharmacology, Ethno-pharmacognosy & Clinical Studies on efficacy. Besides, the journal will also welcome interdisciplinary papers on traditional uses (non-medicinal) of Indian raw materials of plant, animal and mineral origin and development of appropriate technologies for community benefit with specific interest to the rural areas. Impact Factor of IJTK is 0.7 (JCR 2023). CODEN: IJTKB7.

  • Journal of Intellectual Property Rights (JIPR)

    This journal was started in 1996 keeping in view the importance of intellectual property rights and their protection. The objective of the journal is two-fold: firstly, to enhance communication between policy makers, organizational agents, academics, and managers on the critical understanding and research on intellectual property; secondly, to promote the development of the newly cultivated research field. The journal publishes contributed / invited articles, case studies and patent reviews; technical notes on current IPR issues; literature review; world literature on IPR; national and international IPR news, book reviews, and conference reports.

    Being a Diamond Open Access Journal, we neither levy any article processing charge (APC) to the authors nor subscription charges to the readers.


    Instruction to authors- guidelines

  • Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research (JSIR)

    This oldest journal of NISCAIR (started in1942) carries comprehensive reviews in different fields of science & technology (S&T), including industry, original articles, short communications and case studies, on various facets of industrial development, industrial research, technology management, technology forecasting, instrumentation and analytical techniques, specially of direct relevance to industrial entrepreneurs, debates on key industrial issues, editorials/technical commentaries, reports on S&T conferences, extensive book reviews and various industry related announcements.It covers all facets of industrial development. Impact Factor of JSIR is 0.7 (JCR 2023).

    Instructions to Author Guidelines

  • Journal of Scientific Temper (JST)

    Journal of Scientific Temper (JST) is a quarterly journal which publishes articles in the area of scientific temper and public understanding of science. The Journal is devoted to publication of original research in the area of public understanding and attitudes towards science and technology: survey studies, scientific and extra-scientific belief systems, science and education, science popularisation, science fiction, history and philosophy of science, science and media, role of science exhibitions, science centres, science museums and science and technology in developing countries. The articles published in the journal are a strong advocate of the development of scientific temper among various sections of society across the globe.


    CSIR-NIScPR does not levy Article Processing Charges (APCs) or Article Submission Charges.

    “Once published, the copyright of the paper will be transferred from the author to the publisher.”

  • Journal of Indian Association for Environmental Management (JIAEM)

    The Journal of Indian Association for Environmental Management publishes original research contributions broadly in the field of environmental sciences and Engineering. The scope of the Journal includes natural resources management, waste management and remediation, marine and coastal environment, biodiversity, environmental biotechnology, environmental pollution control technologies, environmental impact assessment, geospatial technologies for environmental management, environmental modeling, solid waste management, air pollution, water and wastewater management, climate change,  legal and policy issues, socio-economics, risk assessment etc.